Made by febilly and Robotzr for gmtk gamejam 2024


Assembly all kinds of components to arm yourself against the enemies.

Use your mouse to snap the components together, and wheel to rotate the components.

You can pause at anytime using SPACE and take your time to reorganize your components.



Enemies will stop being spawned after ~10 minutes and if you found yourself in a vast nothingness then congrats you beat the game :D sorry there's no credit roll or something

You are building the character and it becomes bigger and bigger so that's what I guess meets the theme

(Yes this is yet another survivor-like game)


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I like you idea and I have a lot of fun playing with it.
Here is a list of things I think will make this game more better:
1. The monster, and the robot art looks to diffrent.
2. Monster drop scrap that you can craft things(Piston, Rotator, etc).
3. A panel layout of your robot. (Because it's to hard to place it.)
4. Music and SFX.
5. Particles!!!!
Good luck with the GMTK game jam! And have a great time!

ily rob

what's ily

I love you